
Project Interaction Library for Emacs

Emacs Lispemacsemacs-lispproject-managementprojectile
This is stars and forks stats for /bbatsov/projectile repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 3856 stars and 571 forks.

Projectile Synopsis Projectile is a project interaction library for Emacs. Its goal is to provide a nice set of features operating on a project level without introducing external dependencies (when feasible). For instance - finding project files has a portable implementation written in pure Emacs Lisp without the use of GNU find (but for performance sake an indexing mechanism backed by external commands exists as well). Projectile tries to be practical - portability is great, but if some external...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
company-mode/company-modeEmacs LispMakefile2.1k02220
Alexander-Miller/treemacsEmacs LispPythonMakefile1.9k01520
ruricolist/serapeumCommon LispMakefile3780360
realgud/realgudEmacs LispPerlShell849+1830
practicalli/spacemacs.dEmacs LispYASnippet12303790
flycheck/flycheckEmacs LispPythonMakefile2.3k04440
motform/stimmung-themesEmacs Lisp107080
skuro/plantuml-modeEmacs LispShellMakefile4560850
mclear-tools/bespoke-themesEmacs Lisp1920110
zerolfx/copilot.elEmacs Lisp1.3k+881+1