
An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /zerolfx/copilot.el repository. As of 25 Apr, 2024 this repository has 1257 stars and 81 forks.

Copilot.el Copilot.el is an Emacs plugin for GitHub Copilot. Warning: This plugin is unofficial and based on binaries provided by copilot.vim. Note: You need access to GitHub Copilot to use this plugin. Current maintainer: @emil-vdw Installation Ensure your Emacs version is at least 27, and the dependency package editorconfig (melpa) is also installed. Install Node.js v16+. (You can specify the path to node executable by setting copilot-node-executable.) Setup copilot.el as described in the next...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
SystemCrafters/rational-emacsEmacs LispScheme60401090
asok/rakeEmacs LispGherkin31060
nonsequitur/inf-rubyEmacs Lisp211069+1
rolandwalker/unicode-fontsEmacs LispMakefile216+1270
tali713/esxmlEmacs Lisp520140
factor/factorFactorC++Emacs Lisp1.5k+4188+1
rolandwalker/nav-flashEmacs LispMakefile26020
james-stoup/emacs-org-mode-tutorialEmacs Lisp170050
Wilfred/helpfulEmacs LispShell1k+458+1