
emacs tuned to inner harmonies

Emacs Lispthemeemacsminimalmonochromeemacs-theme
This is stars and forks stats for /motform/stimmung-themes repository. As of 02 May, 2024 this repository has 107 stars and 8 forks.

When you say: We’re in a good Stimmung, you mean a good psychological tuning, being well tuned together. — Karlheinz Stockhausen, 1973 Stimmung, Emacs tuned to inner harmonies Stimmung-themes is a pair of monoesuqe Emacs themes with minimal syntax highlighting. They are inspired by Tonsky’s Alabaster theme, following the maxim that a theme that highlights everything paradoxically highlights nothing. Text backgrounds (comments, strings and constants) and font variations (definitions/callsites) are...
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