
A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs

Emacs Lispemacsemacs-lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /bbatsov/crux repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 816 stars and 53 forks.

crux A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs. crux bundles many useful interactive commands to enhance your overall Emacs experience. Most of the crux commands are related to the editing experience, but there are also a bunch of utility commands that are just very useful to have (e.g. crux-open-with and crux-reopen-as-root). Origins of crux Many of the functions in crux started life as blog posts on Emacs Redux, then were included in Emacs Prelude, before finally being extracted to...
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