
Emacs major mode for working with mermaid graphs https://mermaidjs.github.io/

Emacs Lispemacsmermaid
This is stars and forks stats for /abrochard/mermaid-mode repository. As of 28 Apr, 2024 this repository has 149 stars and 19 forks.

mermaid-mode Emacs major mode for working with mermaid graphs Installation Install from Melpa or load the mermaid-mode.el file Install mmdc binary from the mermaid-cli project if you plan to compile graphs in Emacs Usage Currently supporting flow charts and sequence diagrams with syntax coloring and indentation. C-c C-c - compile current file to an image C-c C-f - compile given file to an image C-c C-b - compile current buffer to an image C-c C-r - compile current region to an image C-c C-o - open...
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