
An easymotion-like plugin for emacs.

Emacs Lispemacsemacs-lisphacktoberfestjump
This is stars and forks stats for /Animeshz/hop.el repository. As of 28 Apr, 2024 this repository has 38 stars and 0 forks.

hop.el An easymotion-like plugin highly inspired from hop.nvim. Emacs Motion on Speed! Move anywhere in your buffer with 1 or 2 keypress. Why? While there has been past options for jumping over the buffers like avy and ace-jump-mode, they both didn't fit me due to various reasons & limitations. Hence, this package evolves. Features Single-Keypress Jumps for Targets Closer to the Cursor. Convenient: Using single-keypress hop/jump as much as possible by generating hop sequence at runtime with TrieBackfilling...
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