
This is a platform with AI based on Emacs to facilitate learning, teaching, research and project management.

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /Ethanlinyf/General-Pure-Emacs repository. As of 02 May, 2024 this repository has 42 stars and 5 forks.

GPE is a Platform of Emacs The GPE is, not GPE, but termed as GPE. Introduction The GPE is an integrated and flexible platform based on Gnu Emacs that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) with around 100 packages as plugins to facilitate learning, teaching, research and project management. What is “G.P.E”: GeneralA consistent platform is built with simplicity, modularity and clear communication between integrated facilities. PureThe entire platform is powered mainly...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
karthink/gptelEmacs Lisp4590540
astoff/jit-spellEmacs Lisp39+120
manateelazycat/python-bridgeEmacs LispPython37030
manateelazycat/mind-waveEmacs LispPython1470220
jdtsmith/org-modern-indentEmacs Lisp132010
Fuco1/org-pretty-tableEmacs Lisp94050
Zilong-Li/org-tufteEmacs Lisp47010
Wilfred/flymake-jshint.elEmacs Lisp12030
nodejs/node-gypPythonJavaScriptEmacs Lisp9.3k01.8k0
meain/scopeline.elEmacs Lisp29040