
Emacs document annotator, using Org-mode

Emacs Lisppdfsyncemacsnoteselisporg-modedocumentsconvenienceannotateinterleaved
This is stars and forks stats for /weirdNox/org-noter repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 1009 stars and 92 forks.

Org-noter - A synchronized, Org-mode, document annotator After using Sebastian Christ’s amazing Interleave package for some time, I got some ideas on how I could improve upon it, usability and feature-wise. So I created this package from scratch with those ideas in mind! Org-noter’s purpose is to let you create notes that are kept in sync when you scroll through the document, but that are external to it - the notes themselves live in an Org-mode file. As such, this leverages the power of...
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