
🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained

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Homemade Machine Learning 🇺🇦 UKRAINE IS BEING ATTACKED BY RUSSIAN ARMY. CIVILIANS ARE GETTING KILLED. RESIDENTIAL AREAS ARE GETTING BOMBED. Help Ukraine via: Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation Come Back Alive Charity Foundation National Bank of Ukraine More info on and MFA of Ukraine Read this in other languages: Español You might be interested in 🤖 Interactive Machine Learning Experiments For Octave/MatLab version of this repository please check machine-learning-octave project. This...
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openai/CLIPJupyter NotebookPython18.1k+1302.6k+11
kwea123/nerf_plJupyter NotebookPython2.4k04480
hugo2046/Quantitative-analysisJupyter NotebookHTMLPython1.6k04800
fastai/fastaiJupyter NotebookPython24.6k07.5k0
aamini/introtodeeplearningJupyter NotebookPython6.6k03.3k0
bmild/nerfJupyter NotebookPython8.4k+361.2k+4
AammarTufail/machinelearning_ka_chillaJupyter Notebook30201720
saic-mdal/lamaJupyter NotebookPythonOther6.3k07020
chenyuntc/pytorch-bookJupyter NotebookPythonShell11.3k03.7k0