
Emacs mode for SystemTap

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /ruediger/systemtap-mode repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 7 stars and 4 forks.

systemtap-mode — A mode for SystemTap systemtap-mode is a mode for SystemTap. It allows writing and executing SystemStap scripts. It is forked from Tomoki Sekiyama’s initial systemtap-mode implementation. The implementation is based on cc-mode. Installation Systemtap-mode can be installed via el-get or package.el using Marmalade (releases) or MELPA (snapshots). You can install it manually by copying the file systemtap-mode.el to a directory in your load-path. You can use update-file-autoloads...
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