
A functional, relational database in about 250 lines of Common Lisp

Common Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /Wukix/LambdaLite repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 398 stars and 30 forks.

LambdaLite A functional, relational database in about 250 lines of Common Lisp. "Woah! This is really cool" — marknadal "stunningly lovely" — hal68k SQL. NoSQL. ORMs. Key-value stores. There are a variety of approaches available for dealing with data. LambdaLite might be called functional and relational, for lack of better terms. The "relational" part is straightfoward: data is organized into tables. The "functional" part comes from a break with traditional SQL-style query languages: Lisp function...
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