
A light and dark themes for Doom Emacs based on N Λ N O Themes

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /ronisbr/doom-nano-themes repository. As of 13 May, 2024 this repository has 80 stars and 1 forks.

Doom N Λ N O Themes This package contains an attempt to replicate N Λ N O Theme using Doom themes framework. Hence, it can work properly when using Doom Emacs. Installation First, copy the files to ~/.doom.d/themes/ or ~/config/doom/themes/ depending on your local setup. If you are using Doom Emacs, add to your config.el: (after! doom-themes (load-theme 'doom-nano-light t)) or (after! doom-themes (load-theme 'doom-nano-dark t)) depending on the theme variant you like. If you are not using Doom...
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