
Open-source demos hosted on Dash Gallery

Jupyter NotebookHTMLPythonCSSLassoSCSSOtherplotlydashplotly-dash
This is stars and forks stats for /plotly/dash-sample-apps repository. As of 26 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2953 stars and 3016 forks.

Dash Sample Apps This repository hosts the code for over 100 open-source Dash apps written in Python or R. They can serve as a starting point for your own Dash app, as a learning tool to better understand how Dash works, as a reusable templates, and much more. Most apps in this repository are hosted on Dash Gallery, which is our internal server running on Dash Enterprise Kubernetes. Note that you can find both open-sourced apps and demos for our licensed products, including Design Kit and Snapshot...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
fivethirtyeight/dataJupyter NotebookRPython16.4k011.1k0
codebasics/pyJupyter NotebookOther6.4k016.6k0
Fafa-DL/Lhy_Machine_LearningJupyter Notebook4.8k+341.4k+6
cocodataset/cocoapiJupyter NotebookMATLABPython5.8k03.7k0
mml-book/mml-book.github.ioJupyter Notebook11.5k02.2k0
NVIDIA/NeMoPythonJupyter NotebookShell8.1k01.8k0
sokrypton/ColabFoldJupyter NotebookPythonOther1.4k03870
amanchadha/coursera-deep-learning-specializationJupyter NotebookOther2.3k+141.8k+9
aws/amazon-sagemaker-examplesJupyter NotebookPythonRoff8.9k+176.4k+6