
Using StableDiffusion webui on Colab

Jupyter Notebookjupyter-notebookscolaboratorycolab-notebooksstable-diffusionautomatic1111
This is stars and forks stats for /ddPn08/automatic1111-colab repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 326 stars and 78 forks.

CoLab-compatible version of StableDiffusionWebui by Automatic1111 Wiki https://github.com/ddPn08/automatic1111-colab/wiki Features Xformers support Using Miniconda to make Xformers available. Fast setup If you have space in Google Drive, you can save your environment for faster setup. Model download support Any model on the internet can be downloaded by entering the URL Google Drive support You can also save output images, models, embeddings, configuration files, etc... Low RAM patch You can run...
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