
🍇 GRAPE is a Rust/Python Graph Representation Learning library for Predictions and Evaluations

Jupyter Notebookmachine-learninggraphhigh-performanceknowledge-graph
This is stars and forks stats for /AnacletoLAB/grape repository. As of 04 May, 2024 this repository has 400 stars and 35 forks.

🍇 GRAPE GRAPE (Graph Representation leArning, Predictions and Evaluation) is a fast graph processing and embedding library, designed to scale with big graphs and to run on both off-the-shelf laptop and desktop computers and High-Performance Computing clusters of workstations. The library is written in Rust and Python programming languages, and has been developed by AnacletoLAB (Dept. of Computer Science of the University of Milan), in collaboration with the Robinson Lab - Jackson Laboratory...
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