
Drop-in replacement for clojure.test/are with better error output and better arg validation

ClojureEmacs Lispclojureclojurescriptcljsclojure-testcljs-test
This is stars and forks stats for /camsaul/humane-are repository. As of 10 May, 2024 this repository has 26 stars and 0 forks.

Humane Are (require 'humane-are.core) (humane-are.core/install!) clojure.test/are is great for writing lots of assertions quickly, but it has two big problems that prevent me from using it everywhere: Failing assertions give no indication as to which set of arguments failed if you're using anything that pretty prints test output, such as Humane Test Output, CIDER, or eftest are lets you shoot yourself in the foot by writing expressions that include is or testing, and wraps them in another is without...
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