
⏩ A port of vim easymotion to Emacs' evil-mode

Emacs Lispemacs
This is stars and forks stats for /PythonNut/evil-easymotion repository. As of 10 May, 2024 this repository has 186 stars and 16 forks.

evil-easymotion In which we give Lokaltog/vim-easymotion a streak of malevolence. Suppose you're a proud user of evil, but you have a nasty habit: when you want to move ten lines down, you hit j ten times in a row instead of using the ergonomically superior 10j. With evil-easymotion you can invoke SPCj, and this plugin will put a target character on every possible position. Type the character on the target and wham! you have teleported there. Obligatory screencast Currently most motions are supported,...
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