
Helm UI for Projectile

Emacs Lispemacshelmprojectile
This is stars and forks stats for /bbatsov/helm-projectile repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 319 stars and 72 forks.

Helm Projectile Projectile can be integrated with Helm via helm-source-projectile-projects, helm-source-projectile-files-list, helm-source-projectile-buffers-list and helm-source-projectile-recentf-list sources (available in helm-projectile.el). There is also an example function for calling Helm with the Projectile file source. You can call it like this: M-x helm-projectile or even better - invoke the key binding h in Projectile's keymap. Assuming you've opted for one of the recommended keymap prefixes...
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