
The Doom Emacs snippets library

YASnippetEmacs Lispsnippetsemacsyasnippetdoom-emacs
This is stars and forks stats for /doomemacs/snippets repository. As of 25 Apr, 2024 this repository has 267 stars and 91 forks.

Doom Emacs' Snippet Library This repository contains the yasnippet snippets library for Doom Emacs. It also exposes a small API to assist in writing your own snippets, including doom-snippets-expand for easily writing snippet aliases, and snippets for the project/framework-specific minor modes available to Doom Emacs users. Install Doom Emacs users need only enable the :editor snippets module. This package isn't available on MELPA yet. Otherwise, clone this repo somewhere local and use: (use-package...
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