
This repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.

Jupyter Notebookmachine-learningaideep-learningmachine-learning-algorithmsinterviewinterviewsinterview-practiceinterview-preparationscalable-applicationssystem-design
This is stars and forks stats for /alirezadir/machine-learning-interview-enlightener repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2256 stars and 439 forks.

A guide for Machine Learning Technical Interviews 🤖 This repo aims to serve as a guide to prepare for Machine Learning (AI) Engineer interviews for relevant roles at big tech companies (in particular FAANG). It has compiled based on the author's personal experience and notes from his own interview preparation, when he received offers from Meta (ML Specialist), Google (ML Engineer), Amazon (Applied Scientist), Apple (Applied Scientist), and Roku (ML Engineer). The following components are the most...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
jump-cellpainting/datasetsJupyter Notebook121+1150
bstabler/TransportationNetworksJupyter Notebook63704160
microsoft/computervision-recipesJupyter NotebookPythonCuda9.1k01.1k0
pablo-arantes/making-it-rainRich Text FormatJupyter Notebook3110860
SPECFEM/specfem3d_globeFortranCJupyter Notebook78+1880
alan-turing-institute/rse-courseJupyter NotebookOther20601080
ykwon0407/WeightedSHAPJupyter NotebookPython151+1150
DataSystemsLab/GeoTorchJupyter NotebookPython4150300