
SPECFEM3D_GLOBE simulates global and regional (continental-scale) seismic wave propagation.

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Specfem3D Globe SPECFEM3D_GLOBE simulates global and regional (continental-scale) seismic wave propagation. The program xspecfem3D from SPECFEM3D_GLOBE is a 3-D spectral-element solver for the Earth, Moon or Mars. It uses a conforming cubed-sphere mesh of hexahedra generated by program xmeshfem3D. SPECFEM3D_GLOBE was founded by Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp, and is now being developed by a large, collaborative, and inclusive community. A complete list of authors can be found at https://specfem3d-globe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authors/ Installation Instructions on how to install and use SPECFEM3D_GLOBE are available in the PDF manual located in directory: doc/USER_MANUAL. HTML manual (latest version): specfem3d-globe.readthedocs.io For a quick test, run the default example with these commands: ./configure FC=gfortran CC=gcc MPIFC=mpif90 make all cd EXAMPLES/regional_Greece_small/ ./run_this_example.sh and check the output files in ./OUTPUT_FILES/ NOTE: Do not modify the 'configure' script directly. Please modify the 'configure.ac' file instead, and generate a new 'configure' script with the command: autoreconf -i Development Actions tests: github actions specfem3d_globe Travis tests: travis-ci specfem3d_globe Jenkins Comparing ADIOS kernels: Development is hosted on GitHub in the SPECFEM/specfem3d_globe repository. SPECFEM3D_GLOBE is a community project that lives by the participation of its members — i.e., including you! It is our goal to build an inclusive and participatory community so we are happy that you are interested in participating! We have collected a set of guidelines and advice on how to get involved in the community and keep them in the specfem3d github wiki: specfem3d wiki Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) SPECFEM3D_GLOBE is part of the software that is hosted by the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG). It is available on the CIG website here (SPECFEM3D_GLOBE).
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