
Free Auto GPT with NO paids API is a repository that offers a simple version of Auto GPT, an autonomous AI agent capable of performing tasks independently. Unlike other versions, our implementation does not rely on any paid OpenAI API, making it accessible to anyone.

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This is stars and forks stats for /IntelligenzaArtificiale/Free-AUTO-GPT-with-NO-API repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2175 stars and 328 forks.

USE AI AGENTs, like AUTO-GPT or BABYAGI, without paids API😤 TOTALLY FOR FREE🤑 Tired of paying for OPENAI, PINECONE, GOOGLESEARCH APIs to try out the latest developments in the AI field? Perfect, this is the repository for you! 🎁 For any problem open an ISSUE 🚬, the project is very simple so any help is welcome💸. Are you bored reading😴? Do you want to try our project now⏳? Open the notebook on Colab everything is ready! RUN NOW ON COLAB😮 ⚠️ Abusing this tool is at your own risk By the way, thank...
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