
This is my personal template collection. Here you'll find templates, and configurations for various tools, and technologies.

This is stars and forks stats for /xcad2k/boilerplates repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2914 stars and 1108 forks.

Christian's Boilerplates Hey, there! I’m Christian, and I’m passionate about creating educational tech content for IT Pros and Homelab nerds. This Repository Boilerplates is my personal template collection. Here you'll find templates, and configurations for various tools, and technologies. ⚠️ Be aware, products can change over time. I do my best to keep up with the latest changes and releases, but please understand that this won’t always be the case. I created them as free resources to be used in...
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Nuku/Flexible-SurvivalInform 7Other17302970
seL4/l4vIsabelleStandard MLHaskell47001000
AkashSingh3031/The-Complete-FAANG-PreparationJupyter NotebookHTMLC++9.5k02.2k0
huseinzol05/Stock-Prediction-ModelsJupyter NotebookJavaScriptOther6.8k02.5k0
orpatashnik/StyleCLIPHTMLJupyter NotebookPython3.7k05310
CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-HackersJupyter NotebookOther25.9k+97.8k-1
realpython/materialsHTMLJupyter NotebookPython4.4k05.3k0