
Package-based, web-centric, customizable, awesome-by-default, acceptance-tested Emacs distribution

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This is stars and forks stats for /thefrontside/frontmacs repository. As of 30 Apr, 2024 this repository has 492 stars and 26 forks.

Frontmacs A collection Emacs Packages maintained by your friends at Frontside. frontside-javascript JS development that just works™️ Modern JavaScript development is so much more than just syntax highlighting, or even a language server. This package make sure that your JavaScript environment works "out of the box". This means: JavaScript, TypeScript, plus support for JSX, TSX, and MDX Code navigation and refactoring Support for NodeJS and executables in node_modules Automatically setup error highlighting...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
tmalsburg/helm-bibtexEmacs Lisp4500720
jwiegley/use-packageEmacs LispMakefile4.3k02600
Yevgnen/ivy-richEmacs Lisp3560400
emacs-evil/evilEmacs LispOther3.1k+42670
cpitclaudel/biblio.elEmacs LispMakefile1660150
abo-abo/swiperEmacs LispMakefile2.2k03400
emacscollective/borgEmacs LispMakefileShell2400250
DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guidesEmacs LispShell5270280
altercation/solarizedVim ScriptHTMLPerl15.6k+13.6k-1
B-Lang-org/bscHaskellBluespecEmacs Lisp81701400