
Parser combinators for Clojure(Script).

This is stars and forks stats for /strojure/parsesso repository. As of 10 May, 2024 this repository has 49 stars and 2 forks.

parsesso Parser combinators for Clojure(Script). Motivation Idiomatic and convenient API for parser combinators in Clojure and ClojureScript. Inspiration haskell/parsec blancas/kern youngnh/parsatron rm-hull/jasentaa Documentation As far as there is no comprehensive documentation how to use parsesso there are another resources to get familiar with idea of parser combinators in Clojure: Kern documentation wiki. Cheat sheet Parsesso Parsec1,2,3 Kern4 Parsatron5 p/do-parser fwd defparser p/result return return always p/fail fail fail never p/fail-unexpected unexpected unexpected p/expecting <?>, label <?>, expect p/bind >>= >>= bind p/for do bind let->> p/after >> >> >>, nxt p/value fmap <$> p/maybe try <:> attempt p/look-ahead lookAhead look-ahead lookahead p/not-followed-by notFollowedBy not-followed-by p/*many many many many p/+many many1 many1 many1 p/*skip skipMany skip-many p/+skip skipMany1 skip-many1 p/token token, satisfy satisfy token p/token-not p/word tokens, string token* string p/any-token anyToken,anyChar any-char any-char p/eof eof eof eof p/group <*> <*> p/alt <|>, choice <|> choice p/option option, optional option, optional p/between between between between p/times count times times p/*many-till manyTill many-till p/*sep-by sepBy sep-by p/+sep-by sepBy1 sep-by1 p/*sep-end-by endBy end-by p/+sep-end-by endBy1 end-by1 p/*sep-opt-by sepEndBy sep-end-by p/+sep-opt-by sepEndBy1 sep-end-by1 p/get-state getParserState... input, pos, user state p/set-state setParserState... input, pos, user state p/update-state updateParserState... user state p/trace parserTrace, parserTraced expr/*chain-left chainl chainl expr/+chain-left chainl1 chainl1 expr/*chain-right chainr chainr expr/+chain-right chainr1 chainr1 char/is char, oneOf sym*, one-of* char char/is-not noneOf none-of* char/regex char/upper? upper upper (unicode) char/lower? lower lower (unicode) char/letter? letter letter (unicode) letter (unicode) char/number? digit digit (unicode) digit (unicode) char/letter-or-number? alphaNum alpha-num (unicode) char/white? space white-space (unicode) char/newline endOfLine new-line* char/str* <+> Examples HoneySQL SELECT Performance See some benchmarks here. FAQ What parser combinators are & are good for? How does it differ e.g. from Instaparse, which also parses text into data? A parser combinator library is a library with functions that can be composed into a parser. Instaparse takes a grammar specification, but in a parser combinator library you build the specification from functions, rather than a DSL. When should I pick parser combinators over EBNF? Do they offer the same, and it is only question of which one I prefer to learn or is there some distinct advantage over a DSL such as EBNF? Perhaps it is easier to describe more complex grammars b/c I can make my own helper functions, or something? In general, parser combinators such as parsesso are for creating top-down (i.e. LL) parsers, with the ability to reuse common code (this lib). Parser Generators typically generate a finite state automaton for a bottom-up (LR) parser. Though nowadays there are also combinators for LR grammars and generators for LL ones (e.g. ANTLR). Which one you should use, depends on how hard your grammar is, and how fast the parser needs to be. Especially if the grammar has lot of non-trivial ambiguities then it might be easier with the more flexible combinators approach. Contributors Michiel Borkent Compatibility with babashka. Github CI configuration. Clj-kondo configuration tips. Jakub HolĂ˝ Questions and answers in FAQ.
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