
This is stars and forks stats for /soundxyz/sound-protocol repository. As of 03 May, 2024 this repository has 155 stars and 30 forks.

Sound Protocol Sound Protocol is a generalized platform for flexible and efficient creation of NFT drops. Table of Contents Sound Protocol Table of Contents Deployments Contracts Documentation Development Deploying Bug Bounty License Deployments The following contracts have been deployed on Mainnet, Optimism, Goerli, Optimism-Goerli, and Sepolia. Contract Address SoundEditionV2 0x0000000000c78FEE168002D89D141517b8E6E0FE SoundCreatorV2 0x0000000000aec84F5BFc2af15EAfb943bf4e3522 SuperMinter 0x0000000000CF4558c36229ac0026ee16D3aE35Cd SoundOnChainMetadata 0x0000000000724868d80283B098Ffa809B2181692 SoundMetadata 0x0000000000f5A96Dc85959cAeb0Cfe680f108FB5 Architecture The latest Sound Protocol comprises of several components: SoundEditionV2 The NFT contract. An ERC721A contract deployed via the minimal proxy clone pattern. The mint function allows authorized minter contracts or administrators to batch mint NFTs (authorization is granted via the MINTER_ROLE or ADMIN_ROLE). SoundCreatorV2 A factory that allows for a single transaction setup that: Clones and initializes a SoundEdition. Forwards calldata to an array of target contracts. These calldata can be used to set up the required authorizations and mint schedules. SuperMinter A generalized singleton minter contract that can mint on SoundEditions. Technically, any contract can be authorized to mint on a SoundEdition as long as they are granted the MINTER_ROLE. SoundMetadata A contract which is called by the SoundEdition in the tokenURI function for customizable metadata logic. The on-chain JSON variant is called SoundOnChainMetadata. Contracts The smart contracts are stored under the contracts directory. These are the contracts currently used. The actual directories may contain some older contracts not on the list ─ they are left there for backwards compatibility. contracts ├── core │  ├── SoundCreatorV2.sol ─ "Factory" │  ├── SoundEditionV2.sol ─ "NFT implementation" │  ├── interfaces │  │ ├── ISoundCreatorV2.sol │  │ └── ISoundEditionV2.sol │  └── utils │ ├── MintRandomnessLib.sol ─ "Library for on-chain 1-of-1 raffle" │ ├── LibOps.sol ─ "Library for common operations" │  └── ArweaveURILib.sol ─ "For efficient storage of Arweave URIs" └── modules ├── SuperMinter.sol ─ "Generalized minter" ├── SoundMetadata.sol ─ "Metadata module for SoundEdition" ├── SoundOnChainMetadata.sol ─ "On-chain variant of SoundMetadata" ├── interfaces │ ├── ISuperMinter.sol │ ├── ISoundMetadata.sol │ └── ISoundOnChainMetadata.sol   └── utils ├── DelegateCashLib.sol ─ "Library for querying DelegateCash"   └── SoundOnChainMetadataLib.sol ─ "Library for SoundOnChainMetadata" Documentation The documentation for the latest contracts is under construction. For now, you can refer to the Natspec. Development This is a foundry based project. However, some of the directories differ from the defaults. The contracts are under contracts. The tests are under tests. Deploying The contracts have already been deployed to their canonical addresses. If you need them on any other EVM based chain, please look into Bug Bounty Up to 10 ETH for any critical bugs that could result in loss of funds. Rewards will be given for smaller bugs or ideas. License MIT Copyright 2023
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