
Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

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shaunsingh/nord.nvim Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette. Features Nord.nvim is meant to be a modern colorscheme written in lua for NeoVim that supports a lot of the new features added to NeoVim like built-in LSP and TreeSitter Supported plugins: TreeSitter LSP Diagnostics Lsp Saga LSP Trouble Git Gutter git-messenger Git Signs Telescope.nvim Nvim-Tree.lua NERDTree vim-which-key Indent-Blankline.nvim Dashboard BufferLine Lualine Neogit vim-sneak lightspeed.nvim barbar.nvim nvim-notify leap.nvim mini.nvim aerial.nvim headlines.nvim Ability to change background on sidebar-like windows like Nvim-Tree, Packer, terminal etc. ⚡️ Requirements Neovim >= 0.5.0 🌙 Installation Install via your favourite package manager: " If you are using Vim-Plug Plug 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim' -- If you are using Packer use 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim' 🌓 Usage Enable the colorscheme: "Vim-Script: colorscheme nord --Lua: vim.cmd[[colorscheme nord]] To enable the nord theme for Lualine, simply specify it in your lualine settings: require('lualine').setup { options = { -- ... your lualine config theme = 'nord' -- ... your lualine config } } ⚙️ Configuration Option Default Description nord_contrast false Make sidebars and popup menus like nvim-tree and telescope have a different background nord_borders false Enable the border between verticaly split windows visable nord_disable_background false Disable the setting of background color so that NeoVim can use your terminal background nord_cursorline_transparent false Set the cursorline transparent/visible nord_enable_sidebar_background false Re-enables the background of the sidebar if you disabled the background of everything nord_italic true enables/disables italics nord_uniform_diff_background false enables/disables colorful backgrounds when used in diff mode nord_bold true enables/disables bold -- Example config in lua vim.g.nord_contrast = true vim.g.nord_borders = false vim.g.nord_disable_background = false vim.g.nord_italic = false vim.g.nord_uniform_diff_background = true vim.g.nord_bold = false -- Load the colorscheme require('nord').set() " Example config in Vim-Script let g:nord_contrast = v:true let g:nord_borders = v:false let g:nord_disable_background = v:false let g:nord_italic = v:false let g:nord_uniform_diff_background = v:true let g:nord_bold = v:false " Load the colorscheme colorscheme nord headlines support To support headlines, you should add these code to your settings: require("headlines").setup({ markdown = { headline_highlights = { "Headline1", "Headline2", "Headline3", "Headline4", "Headline5", "Headline6", }, codeblock_highlight = "CodeBlock", dash_highlight = "Dash", quote_highlight = "Quote", }, }) It should look like this bufferline support To support BufferLine, you can add these code to your settings: local highlights = require("nord").bufferline.highlights({ italic = true, bold = true, }) require("bufferline").setup({ options = { separator_style = "thin", }, highlights = highlights, }) It should look like this or you want to use slant separator local highlights = require("nord").bufferline.highlights({ italic = true, bold = true, fill = "#181c24" }) require("bufferline").setup({ options = { separator_style = "slant", }, highlights = highlights, }) The default setting of bufferline highlights is { fill = colors.nord0_gui, indicator = colors.nord9_gui, bg = colors.nord0_gui, buffer_bg = colors.nord0_gui, buffer_bg_selected = colors.nord1_gui, buffer_bg_visible = "#2A2F3A", bold = true, italic = true, }
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