
🧱 A suite of React components .

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English | δΈ­ζ–‡η‰ˆ React Suite is a set of react component libraries for enterprise system products. It is a well-thought-out and developer-friendly UI framework. UI Design React Suite Design Prototype and specification, click to view. Supported Platforms Browser React Suite supports the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms. IE<=10 is no longer supported since React Suite 5.0. React Suite is designed and implemented for use on modern desktop browsers rather than mobile browsers. IE Edge Firefox Chrome Safari >=11 >=14 >= 45 >= 49 >= 10 Server React Suite supports server side rendering. Support Next.js to build applications. Supported development environment Supports React 16 + Supports TypeScript Supports Electron Supports Reason Installation React Suite is available as an npm package. npm i rsuite --save or if you prefer Yarn yarn add rsuite Usage Here's a simple example import { Button } from 'rsuite'; import 'rsuite/styles/index.less'; // or 'rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css' function App() { return <Button appearance="primary">Hello World</Button>; } Live preview on CodeSandbox Documentation You can go through full documentation or start with following sections Quick start Customizing themes Internationalization Right-to-left Components More examples Management system Use modularized Use CDN Internationalization Themes RTL - RTLCSS RTL - PostCSS-RTL Use in create-react-app Use in Electron Use in Flow Use in TypeScript Use in Next.js Use in Next.js and Typescript Use in UmiJS Use in Snowpack Use in Vite Previous major versions The previous major version 4.x will no longer receive new features, and it is recommended to upgrade to the latest 5.x releases. Bug fixes for 4.x are still being supported for a period of time, and security fixes are supported until 6.x is in progress. Documentations for previous major versions 4.x documentation 3.x documentation Changelog Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes. Contribution Make sure you've read the guidelines before you start contributing. Supporting React Suite If you like React Suite, you can show your support by either Starring this repo Leaving a comment here if you are using React Suite in your project (like we do πŸ˜„) Becoming a backer on OpenCollective This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. License React Suite is MIT licensed. Copyright (c) 2016-present, HYPERS.
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