
A minor mode for Emacs that replace keywords with nice SVG labels

Emacs Lispsvgemacstagsmelpaquelpaminor-mode
This is stars and forks stats for /rougier/svg-tag-mode repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 420 stars and 26 forks.

svg-tag-mode A minor mode to replace keywords or regular expression with SVG tags. Usage example You need first to set svg-tag-tags that is a list of item here each item has the form (KEYWORD (TAG COMMAND HELP)) where: KEYWORD is a regular expression including a matched group of the form \\(xxx\\). If this is not the case the whole string will be used a the matched group. TAG is either a SVG image that will be displayed using the 'display property or a function that accepts a unique string argument...
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