
Vim and Neovim plugin to reveal the commit messages under the cursor

Vim ScriptRubygitvimneovimvim-pluginpopup-window
This is stars and forks stats for /rhysd/git-messenger.vim repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 1267 stars and 32 forks.

git-messenger.vim git-messenger.vim is a Vim/Neovim plugin to reveal the hidden message from Git under the cursor quickly. It shows the history of commits under the cursor in popup window. This plugin shows the message of the last commit in a 'popup window'. If the last commit is not convenient, you can explore older commits in the popup window. Additionally you can also check diff of the commit. The popup window is implemented in Floating window on Neovim (0.4 or later) Preview window on Vim (8...
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