
A blazingly fast and lightweight language detection library for Rust

RustJupyter Notebooknatural-language-processinglanguage-detectionrust-lang
This is stars and forks stats for /quickwit-oss/whichlang repository. As of 06 May, 2024 this repository has 325 stars and 11 forks.

Whichlang This is a language detection library, aiming for both precision and performance. Why build this? While building Quickwit, a search engine tailored for log and tracing data, we found ourselves needing a light, fast, and precise language detection library in Rust that works well with our high throughput requirement. The full story and how it works are detailed in this blog post. Features No dependency Throughput above 100 MB/s for short and long strings. Good accuracy (99.5% on my validation...
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