
vimspector - A multi-language debugging system for Vim

Vim ScriptPythonShellDockerfileGoJavaScriptOtherpythonjavavimdebuggerdebuggingcpptcldebug-adapter-protocol
This is stars and forks stats for /puremourning/vimspector repository. As of 20 Apr, 2024 this repository has 3864 stars and 156 forks.

vimspector - A multi language graphical debugger for Vim For a tutorial and usage overview, take a look at the Vimspector website. For detailed explanation of the .vimspector.json format, see the reference guide. Features and Usage Supported debugging features Supported languages Other languages Installation Quick Start Method 1: Using a release tarball and Vim packages Method 2: Using a repo clone, Vim packages and select gadgets to be installed Method 3: Using a plugin manager Dependencies Neovim...
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