

Jupyter NotebookTeX
This is stars and forks stats for /pliugithub/MachineLearning repository. As of 02 May, 2024 this repository has 93 stars and 109 forks.

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python This repository provides instructional material for machine learning in python. The material is used for graduate class taught at NYU Tandon by Pei Liu. Most of the materials are from Sundeep Rangan, who taught this course in previous semesters. EL-GY 6143: Introduction to Machine Learning (Graduate) Anyone is free to use and copy this material (at their own risk!). But, please cite the material if you use the material in your own class. Pre-requisites All...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
esteininger/vector-searchJupyter NotebookPython2060120
stefa168/guida_degli_studenti_diRich Text FormatHTMLTeX1430380
dfm/araa-gpsTeXJupyter NotebookPython25050
gt-cs3220/gt-cs3220.github.ioJupyter NotebookTclAssembly150480
greyss-mai/Department806CudaC++Jupyter Notebook00340
eth-vaw-glaciology/course-101-0250-00JuliaJupyter NotebookJavaScript970220
epfml/ML_courseJupyter NotebookTeXPython1.1k+5818+9
williamyang1991/VToonifyJupyter NotebookPythonOther3.3k+10417+3
sradc/each-country-as-a-pokemon-stable-diffusionJupyter NotebookPython112040
LambdaLabsML/examplesJupyter NotebookPythonShell75901000