
This is stars and forks stats for /ourzora/faucets repository. As of 10 May, 2024 this repository has 57 stars and 2 forks.

Faucets Faucets are vesting NFTs that allow funds to be remitted on a fixed schedule. Faucets can be used for streaming payments, equity vesting, call options, and more. Since they are represented as NFTs, they can also be bought, sold, and traded on open markets. Usage IMPORTANT: These contracts have not been audited. Use at your own risk. The Faucet contracts are deployed at the following addresses: Name Goerli Address Mainnet Address FaucetFactory 0x292d954447b6cd90c65a2f81fa701187979152ea 0x3f632c8de2598943a09e4df1ef9ca523857385c7 LinearStrategy 0xfd36c0b2f508e6afb4c1c66e16b45e2a61a73136 0xca734042f60dcb45363622571eae8a08e09c4d0e CliffStrategy 0xd7cbd3911074d361ab5cd01fbcf80063d31e6ff3 0x8ea04aa8aa5174fe641fde342e740ea167d25fed DailyStepStrategy 0x8e614c783dcfef3df69154cca157eaf51fc32012 0x53d83fdd793db21161c4bd663cb7382dafc90626 FaucetMetadataRenderer 0x1c32dafad64581af5f9b25f0ebe4d2a32ed6cc46 0xcd8fc518f8228f2266c7c53643d7dddac4088ca5 ETHFaucet (implementation) 0xcd8fc518f8228f2266c7c53643d7dddac4088ca5 0x158989b27bc55da8f7b8543292b032e954ffc1a0 ERC20Faucet (implementation) 0x013650c57c99c4bb065e6985098a553b1823ad2c 0x0ca49bff08be147534640aa7ff4428de07e3dc78 Most of the common use cases can be found below. Getting a Faucet address Every deployed faucet maps 1-to-1 with an ERC-20 token (or native ETH). In order to find the faucet that corresponds to a particular token, you can call faucetForToken on the FaucetFactory contract. This function returns the address that the given token's faucet is deployed at. If the faucet has not been deployed yet, it will be deployed here. If you wish to only retrieve the address without deploying an unused faucet, you can call faucetForTokenView. Example // Get the faucet for ETH, deploying it if it hasn't been created yet (address ethFaucet, bool wasJustDeployed) = FaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(address(0)); // Get the faucet for RAI, deploying it if it hasn't been created yet (address raiFaucet, bool wasJustDeployed) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(raiAddress); // Get the faucet for ETH address ethFaucet = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForTokenView(address(0)); // Get the faucet for RAI address raiFaucet = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForTokenView(raiAddress); Minting a Faucet To mint a faucet, simply call mint with the parameters you'd like in your faucet. These parameters include Name Type Description _to address The address to send this faucet to. The holder of the faucet will be able to claim any available funds. _amt uint256 The total amount of tokens that can be claimed in this faucet's lifespan. Once exceeded, this faucet will be discarded. _faucetDuration uint256 The amount of time, in seconds, that this faucet will run for. When the time is up, all funds should be claimable. _faucetStrategy address The address of the strategy to use for token emissions. See Faucet Strategies. _canBeRescinded bool Whether or not the creator of this faucet can rescind the faucet, clawing back any unclaimed funds and discarding the faucet. Example // Send a linearly vesting ETH payment to Alice, vesting over 1 week uint256 oneWeek = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 60s * 60m * 24h * 7d = 1 week (address faucetAddress,) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(address(0)); // Get the faucet address IFaucet(faucetAddress).mint{value: 1 ether}(address(0), aliceAddress, 1 ether, oneWeek, linearStrategy, true); // Send a delayed USDC payment to Bob, waiting over 1 day uint256 oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24; // 60s * 60m * 24h = 1 day (address faucetAddress,) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(usdcAddress); IFaucet(faucetAddress).mint(usdcAddress, bobAddress, 100 ether, oneDay, cliffStrategy, true); Rescinding a Faucet If a faucet ever needs to be cancelled, it can safely be rescinded, clawing back any unclaimed funds. To do so, pass the faucet ID and the address to send the remaining funds to. Example // Rescind an ETH payment from Alice, clawing back funds to the supplier's treasury (address faucetAddress,) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(address(0)); // Get the faucet address IFaucet(faucetAddress).rescind(treasuryAddress, tokenID); // Expedite a UNI payment to Bob, sweeping all remaining funds to their address (address faucetAddress,) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(uniAddress); // Get the faucet address IFaucet(faucetAddress).rescind(bobAddress, tokenID); Claiming Funds from a Faucet Holding a faucet allows you to claim any available funds on that faucet. Example // Claim an ETH payment from a faucet (address faucetAddress,) = IFaucetFactory(factoryAddress).faucetForToken(address(0)); // Get the faucet address IFaucet(faucetAddress).claim(yourAddress, tokenID); Faucet Strategies Every faucet is created with a Faucet Strategy. These strategies define the emission rate of the underlying asset, and their flexibility allows for a number of different use cases. This repo currently has three example strategies available, but any contract implementing IFaucetStrategy can be used here. Pull requests to this repo with further strategies and use cases are greatly appreciated. Linear Strategy This strategy vests continuously along a linear curve. Once the provided duration is complete, all tokens should be available to be minted. This strategy type is particularly useful for streaming payments. Cliff Strategy This strategy does not vest until the provided duration has completed. At that point, all underlying tokens can be claimed. This strategy type can be used to represent futures options, or a payment held in escrow. Daily Step Strategy This strategy emits an equal amount of underlying tokens every day until exhausted, when the vesting duration is complete. Acknowledgements This repo wouldn't have been possible without the prior work of others. particularly Iain Nash and Remco Bloemen. Iain's work on Zora's Drop Contracts was especially helpful with enabling all Faucet metadata to be stored and rendered entirely on-chain. Remco's writing on Solidity Mathemagic enabled the highly accurate Linear Strategy to be realized.
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