
同文安卓輸入法平臺3.x/Android-rime/Rime Input Method Engine for Android

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Trime Rime IME for Android English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 About Trime is originally a frontend of open-source Android Traditional Chinese IME, based on RIME input method framework and written in Java/Kotlin with JNI. It is designed to protect the native language of various local dialects of Chinese and is a universal shape-based and phonetic-based input method platform. Download Stable Channel Canary Channel Download Configurations rimerc Acknowledgments Developer: osfans Contributors: boboIqiqi、Bambooin、senchi96、heiher、abay、iovxw、huyz-git、tumuyan、WhiredPlanck... Wiki Editors: xiaoqun2016、boboIqiqi... Translators: 天真可爱的满满 (Chinese Traditional), 点解 (English) ... Keyboard Designers: 天真可爱的满满、皛筱晓小笨鱼、吴琛11、熊猫阿Bo、默默ㄇㄛˋ... Donations: See QR Code in Releases Community: Issues, QQ Group(811142286), QQ Group(458845988), Coolapk, Google Play and Tieba Projects: RIME、OpenCC、Android Traditional Chinese IME and so on. History TRIME is the abbreviation of Tongwen RIME or ThaeRv Input Method. From the beginning, TRIME was written for TaeRv Pinyin, and named TaeRv Input Method (泰如输入法). Then, we created an input method platform with some code tables, such as Wu dialect (吴语). We renamed it to Chinese Character Dialect Input Method (汉字方言输入法). Later, it supports Wubi and Liangbi and other shape-based input method, we branded it Tongwen Input Method Platform 2.0 (同文输入法平台 2.0), which implies that the phonetic-based and shape-based input method on one platform, while dialects and Mandrain share one kind of characters. Benefit from the librime project by JNI, we are now in version 3.0 of TRIME aka Tongwen Input Method (同文输入法). Your contribution are welcome ~ ! 🎉 Getting Started Prepare Android SDK should be correctly installed and configured. If you are new to Android development, please install Android Studio. Build Clone this project, please pay attention that it would take a while for large-size boost submodule. And make sure that you have enough available disk space to hold the source code (about 1.5 GB). cd $your_folder git clone --recursive https://github.com/osfans/trime.git Debug version without sign: make debug Release version with sign: Create keystore.properties file which contains following contents for signing information: storePassword=myStorePassword keyPassword=mykeyPassword keyAlias=myKeyAlias storeFile=myStoreFileLocation make release Troubleshooting Target "boost_log_setup" links to target "Boost::coroutine" but the target was not found. Run make clean. Other issues: Try make clean Make sure your repo is up-to-date. If one or more submodules are modified, also make sure they are compatible with the current version. If the problem still exists(very unlikely), try to make a new clone. Check if this is there is an issue/PR related to your problem. If yes, try their solutions. If none of them works, you may make an issue to ask for help.(optional) Third Party Libraries Boost C++ Libraries (Boost Software License) darts-clone (New BSD License) LevelDB (New BSD License) libiconv (LGPL License) marisa-trie (BSD License) glog (New BSD License) OpenCC (Apache License 2.0) RIME (BSD License) snappy(BSD License) utfcpp (Boost Software License) yaml-cpp (MIT License) Android Traditional Chinese IME (Apache License 2.0)
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