
QPay is a fintech app built entirely with Compose Multiplatform and considered a use case for unifying & providing financial services on both Android and iOS platforms while leveraging the power of Native APIs.

This is stars and forks stats for /mustfaibra/QPayMultiplatform repository. As of 06 May, 2024 this repository has 31 stars and 7 forks.

Quick Pay Quick Pay - QPay for short - is a simple use case for a Fintech app for Onboarding new customers and providing Services, built entirely with Compose Multiplatform. This cross-platform project is considered a use case for unifying & providing financial services on both Android and iOS platforms while leveraging the power of Native. Targeted Platforms For Now Android Platform iOS Platform Screenshots Tech & Libs Used Until Now The project used the following: Kotlin Programming Language Compose...
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