
Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /mpedramfar/zotra repository. As of 04 May, 2024 this repository has 132 stars and 5 forks.

Zotra This emacs library provides functions to fetch bibliographic information in different formats (e.g. bibtex) using website urls or search identifiers (e.g. DOI). It also provides functions to fetch attachments (e.g. PDF files) associated with a url. This is done using ZOtero TRAnslators, but without using the Zotero client. Changelog [2023-09-30 Thu]: The citoid backend added. [2023-09-30 Thu]: The functions zotra-add-entry-from-url, zotra-add-entry-from-search, zotra-download-attachment-from-url...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
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