
Exporting data from Dynamics 365 Business Central to Azure data lake storage

ALJupyter Notebook
This is stars and forks stats for /microsoft/bc2adls repository. As of 26 Apr, 2024 this repository has 78 stars and 49 forks.

Project This tool is an experiment on Dynamics 365 Business Central with the sole purpose of discovering the possibilities of having data exported to an Azure Data Lake. To see the details of how this tool is supported, please visit the Support page. Please be aware that, for the forseeable future, this repository will not receive any new updates. However, development is continued in forks of this repository, e.g., Bertverbeek4PS/bc2adls. If you would like to contribute to bc2adls, please do so in...
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Cosmoglobe/CommanderFortranJupyter NotebookPython150130
TommyZihao/MMSegmentation_TutorialsJupyter Notebook2180540
ayyucedemirbas/TurkeyLearningInitiativeJupyter NotebookPHP65001190
camenduru/controlnet-colabJupyter Notebook4790520
Viditagarwal7479/Recognizance-23Jupyter NotebookPython280360
yuanzhoulvpi2017/zero_nlpPythonJupyter NotebookShell2k+18265+1
shyamsn97/mario-gptPythonJupyter NotebookMakefile1k0930
victorchall/EveryDream2trainerPythonJupyter NotebookOther622-1860