
A Windows 9x Mastodon client built in Visual Basic 6

Visual Basic 6.0VBA
This is stars and forks stats for /meyskens/mastodon-for-workgroups repository. As of 25 Apr, 2024 this repository has 122 stars and 1 forks.

Mastodon 3.11 For Workgroups This project is a Mastodon client written in Visual Basic 6. It works on Windows 95 and higher (Windows 10/11 untested confirmed to work but... why?). This project is in very early stages! Use at own risk. Contributions very welcome! (If you cannot use Git email me for an address to which you can mail your patches on floppy disk). What works: Sending a toot Loading 20 posts of your home timeline What is planned soon: Image support Avatars Boosts and likes Replies Refreshing...
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