
Run OpenAI's CLIP model on iOS to search photos.

SwiftJupyter Notebooksearchphotosiosmobilesemantic-searchswiftuiclip-model
This is stars and forks stats for /mazzzystar/Queryable repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2032 stars and 353 forks.

Queryable The open-source code of Queryable, an iOS app, leverages the OpenAI's CLIP model to conduct offline searches in the 'Photos' album. Unlike the category-based search model built into the iOS Photos app, Queryable allows you to use natural language statements, such as a brown dog sitting on a bench, to search your album. Since it's offline, your album privacy won't be compromised by any company, including Apple or Google. Blog | Website | App Store PicQuery(Android) The Android version...
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