
Documentation for the maliput family of repositories.

This is stars and forks stats for /maliput/maliput_documentation repository. As of 04 May, 2024 this repository has 0 stars and 2 forks.

Maliput Documentation Documentation and Changelog for Maliput & family. Visit Summary Maliput's documentation is generated using readthedocs. The documentation is prepared and served in this repository, in order to be built using Sphinx later on on readthedocs. Code documentation from all the packages are collected via Doxygen. Those packages are: maliput maliput_py maliput_object maliput_object_py maliput_malidrive maliput_dragway maliput_multilane maliput_integration maliput_integration_tests delphyne delphyne_gui delphyne_demos The ready-to-build documentation is pushed to rtd-pages branch in a daily basis. readthedocs takes over from there and updates the online documentation. Build documentation Requirements Workspace must be created, see Developer Setup. Note: As maliput_documentation depends on delphyne repos mind following the instructions for adding them. Sphinx must be installed, if not: apt-get install python3-sphinx Build maliput_documentation package colcon build --packages-up-to maliput_documentation --cmake-args " -DBUILD_DOCS=On" This will prepare and install the files required to later on be built using sphinx-build. Build Sphinx docs First install requirements needed for the sphinx-build command. pip install -r install//maliput_documentation/share/docs/requirements.txt Run sphinx-build command: sphinx-build install/maliput_documentation/share/docs output The HTML pages are located in the output folder. Visualize To visualize it, open index.html using your preferred browser. Note: If your workspace is containerized, execute the following outside of your container. This is because xdg-open is not installed in your container. From the workspace root: xdg-open output/index.html If you encounter an error saying xdg-open is not installed, install it using the following: sudo apt install xdg-utils Contributing Please see CONTRIBUTING page. License
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