
Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see contributing.md for contribution instructions!

This is stars and forks stats for /leachim6/hello-world repository. As of 19 Apr, 2024 this repository has 10251 stars and 1880 forks.

Hello World Hello World in every computer language. As I watch the collection expand, this project has blown up more than I ever thought possible. Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute; new languages are created every day! Make sure to see contributing.md for instructions on contributing to the project! Languages (999 total) ! !@#$%^&*()_+ ():;#?! 0(nop^) 0587 05AB1E 0815 1+ 123 1C Enterprise 256 2B 420 4gl 4test 4th Dimension 6969 Assembler 8051 Assembly 8th @tention! @text ~English μλ قلب ᚱᚢᚾᛅᛦ * *><> うんちく なでしこ ひまわり タイルズ ドリトル プロデル 文言 易语言 火星文 秀丸マクロ ><> ?$51= 🆒 A++ aardio ABAP ABC ABS ACIDIC Acpi ACRONYM ACS ActionScript 2 ActionScript 3 ActionScript flashmx ActionScript Ada Add++ Advpl Aeolbonn Agda Aheui Aime Aiml ALAGUF Alan Alda Algae ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68 ALGOL W Alice Alore AlPhAbEt Amber Amiga-E Amos AnalF*ck And Android AngelScript Angular Ansible Ante AntLang APC Apex APL App Inventor AppleScript Applesoft BASIC ARC Arduino Arena Argh ArkScript ArnoldC ARTICLE Arturo AsciiDots Ash Asm2bf ASP Aspectj Assembler 6502 Assembler 6502appleII Assembler 6502c64 Assembler 6809vectrex Assembler 8048 videopac Assembler ARM aarch64 Assembler ARM Assembler Atari 2600 Assembler Bootsect Assembler DCPU16 Assembler FASM DOS Assembler hla Assembler HP85 Assembler IBM360 Assembler Intel Assembler lc3 Assembler m68000 amigaos Assembler MASM DOS Assembler MASM Win32 Assembler MASM Win64 Assembler MIPS Assembler MMIX Assembler NASM FreeBSD Assembler NASM Linux Assembler NASM Linux64 Assembler NASM Macho64 Assembler NASM Win32 Assembler pdp10 midas Assembler pdp11 palx Assembler RISC-V Assembler TASM DOS Assembler tms9900 ti99 4a Assembler Vax Ultrix Assembler Z80 Knightos Assembler Z80 TI83calculator Assembler Z80 zxspectrum Asteria ATS2 Attache AutoHotKey AutoIt AutoLISP Avisynth Awful AWK Axe A:; B Backshift BAIK Ballerina Bash BASIC 256 BASIC Batch Batsh Battlestar BBC BASIC BC GNU BC BCPL Beanshell Beatnik Beef Befunge BennuGD Beta Bhai Lang Bicep Binaryfuck BIRL BIT BitBitJump Bitsbox BlackRum Blawn BLC Blender Blitz3D Bloop Blub Bolgefuck Boo Boolet Boolfuck Bosque Bottle Brainfuck 2D Brainfuck Brainloller Broccoli BRZRK BuddyScript Burlesque Byter C Shell C+ C+++ C++ C-- C Cache ObjectScript Cadence CAML Candy Cantonese Carbon Cardinal Casio BASIC CASL2 cat Catrobat Cbot Cduce CEBL Centura CESIL Ceylon CFEngine CGI Chaos Chapel Charcoal verbose mode Charcoal Charly ChaScript Cheddar Cheese++ Chef Chem CherryPy Chicken ChinesePython Cil Clean Clio Clipper CLIPS CLISP Clojure CLU CMake COBOL CobolScript Cobra Coconut CoffeeScript ColdFusion Come Here Comefrom0x10 Common Lisp Concurnas Cone ContinuesEquation Control Language Cool Coq Cor Coral 66 Cotowali COW Cryptol Crystal CSharp CSON CSS Cubix Cuda Cuneiform Curry Cyclone CypherNeo4j Cω C* Ć D dark Dart Darwin daScript DataFlex Db2 dBase Dc DCL DCPU DD DD Decimal Delphi Delphi Deno Desmos dg Dictu Dis Divzeros Django DNA# DNCL DOG DogeScript DOGO dongbei dos Dotlang DPATL Python Draco Dragon DreamMaker Drive-In Window DTrace DUP Dylan Dyvil D♭♭ E e62qpodb593 EBuild Ec EchoLisp Efene Egison Egl Eiffel Elena Elixir Elixir Elm Elvish EmacsLisp Emerald Emmental Emoji Emojicode EmojiCoder Emoticon Emotinomicon Enkelt EO EOOOL EPL Erg Erlang EScript Erlang es ESOPUNK Euphoria Evil Executable Express F# F Factor Factors Falcon False Fancy Fantom FastAPI Felix Fennel Ferite Fetlang Fim++ Fish Fist Fjoelnir FlaScript Flask Flix Flutter Fob Focal Fog.fog Foo Forobj Forth Fortob Fortran Fortran77 Fourier FoxPro Fractran++ FreakC Freebrain Frink FROM HERE TO THERE FStar G-BASIC GAML Gammaplex GASOIL GDScript Gecho Genie Gentzen GeoJSON GFA Basic Gibberish GitHub Actions Glass Gleam Gluon GML Go+ Go Gocaml Golfscript Golo Google Apps Script Gosu Gosu GOTO++ GraphQL Gravity GreeeeeeeeenText Green Marl Gri GridScript Grin Grok groot Groovy GTA3Script Gui4Cli H++ Hack Haifuckqueue Haml Hamler Harbour Hare Haskell Haxe haystack Hello Hello++ HEX Hexish Higher Subleq Hodor Hollow Holy C Homespring HOP HP_41C HQ9++ HQ9+ HQ9funge HSP HTML HTTP Hubot Huf Husk Hy HyperTalk H🌍 I5 IBM1401 IcedCoffeeScript ICI Icon IDK IDL Idris Il INCAL InDec Inform Ink Inkling Integral Intercal Io Ioke IRC IronScheme Iscom ISLISP ITAMFSARL J# J Jade Jai Jakt Jasmin Jason Java JavaScript Jelly Jenkinsfile Jess Jolie JScript JSFuck JSON JSONiq JSX(DeNA) JSX(Facebook) JudoScript Julia Jython K Karel Ked KimL Kinx Kipple Kitanai Kitten Kivy Koa Kobeři-C Kojo Kotlin Script Kotlin KSH KSP Kuin Kumir Kv Labyrinth LassoScript LaTeX Latino LazyK LBL LCoffee Lean Less Leszek libavg LibreOffice Basic Like, Python LilyPond Limbo LINE entry Lingo Lisaac Lisp ListLang LiveCode LiveScript llrl LLVM LNUSP Locomotive Basic Logicode Logo Logtalk LOLA LOLCODE LOLPython Lost LotusScript LSL Lua Grimex Lua Luau LWC Löve M4 MacLisp Macsyma Magic Make Malbolge Mana Manim Maple MarioLANG Markdown Mathematica Online Mathematica MATLAB 1.0 MATLAB Maxima MaxScript Mel MemeAssembly Meq Mercury MicroPython MilkScript Millfork Mind Minecraft Script Minecraft Mint Mips Miranda Mirc Mmmm() ModiScript Modula 2 Modula 3 Mokkosu Mongo Monkey Monte Moo MOONBlock Moonscript Morloc Morse code Mostawesomeprograminglanguage Mouse Move Mozart Mr Hashemi Muf Mumps Muon Mushcode MXML Myrddin MySQL Neko Nelua Nemerle NetRexx NewLISP NewtonScript Ni Nial Nice Night Nim Nit NoCode Node.js NoFlo Not Python Novice Nu NWScript NXC Oberon 2 Oberon Obix Obj Object Pascal Objective C Objective J ObjectStar OCaml occam Octave Odin oK Omgrofl ON THE WAY TO WHO KNOWS WHERE One Ooc Ook! Opa OpenLaszlo Oracle SQL Orc Org-mode Orion OSTRAJava OX Oxygene o:XML Painter Programming Pakhi Pangaea Panther ParaSail Parenthetic Parser Pascal Passerine Pattern Language Pauscal Pawn PB PBWin PCASTL Pebble PeopleCode Peregrine Perfume Perl Perl Perl6 Perseus Pharo Phi Phix PHP PiCat Piet Pig PikaLang Pike Pikelet! Pinecone Pit Pizza Please Porige Hot PLI Pluvo PL/SQL Poketlang Polynomial Pony Porth Portugol PostCSS Postgre SQL PostScript Page PostScript PosXML Potaka Potigol Power Fx PowerBuilder PowerShell Printscript Processing Profan Prolog Promela ProvideX Pug Pure Data PureBasic PureScript Pxem Pygame PyQt4 PyQt5 Pyret PySide2 PySimpleGUI Pyth Python 2 Python 3 pythOwO Q Qalb QBasic QCL Qi Qore QSharp QU QuakeC QuartzComposer Qugord Quorum QWERTY R Racket Radixal Rafflalang Raku Rapira RatFor React Native React React360 Readlink RealBasic Reason REBMU Rebol Rebol Recurse Red Redis Refal ReScript reStructuredText Retina Retro Rexx Rick Roll Ricktea Ride Ring RiveScript Robot Framework Rockstar Roco Rotor Roy RPG IV RPG RTL2 Ruby on Rails Ruby Ruota Rust S Algol Sacred Sal Sas Sass Sather Sawa Scala Scheme SCHWift SCILab Scratch 1 Scratch 2 Scratch 3 SCSS Sed Seed Seed7 Self Semicolon SendStuff Setanta Shakespeare Shell Shen Sidekiq SIL Simpl+ Simula Skip Skript Slashes Slim Smali SmallTalk GNU SmallTalk Smallworld MAGIK Smil SmileBASIC SML Snap! Snekky SNOBOL Snowman Solidity SoupScript SparQL Spoon SPSS SPWN SQL Squirrel Standard ML Stanza Starlark Stone Streem Stuck Stylus SubleQ SuperCollider Sus Svelte SVG Swift Playgrounds Swift SystemTap Plain text Tabloid Takeover Tao Presentations TapeBagel Tcl TCSH Tea Telephone Tengo Terra Terraform TeX ThotPatrol THP THROW THIS TO THAT Thue TI Hexadecimal TIBasic Tk Tkinter Tokay TOML Tonyu TopShell Trans-dimensional Tri TrollScript TrumpScript TSharp TSQL TTCN3 TTSneo Turing Turing Turtle Script Twocode TypeScript Ubercode Ubiquity Umajin Umka Underload Unicomal Unicon Uniface Unlambda Unreal Script UrduPython uwu V V Vala Vale VB.NET Velato Verbose VerboseFuck Verilog Verve VHDL Vi VimScript Virgil Visual Basic for Applications Visual Basic Script Visual Basic VisualFoxPro VisuAlg VJass VMS Vowels VRML Vue Wax WebAssembly Wheat Whenever Whiley Whirl Whitespace Wierd WikiText WML WolframLanguage wowLang Wren WSH WurstScript wxPython Wyvern X D X++ X10 XBase++ XBase XBasic XHTML Xihcute XL XLisp Xlogo XML XOTcl XPL0 XQuery XRF XSLT Xtal XUL Y YAML YASKC Yoix YoLang YoptaScript Yorick Your Mom Z Shell ZBD Zepto Zetaplex Zhpy Zig Zim Zimbu Zinc Zombie Zonnon ZPL ZScript ZSharp Zsq zx Related FizzBuzz The Hello World Collection one-two-three...infinity Hello World In Many Programming Languages Hello World in pseudocode in different languages
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