
Jupyter Notebook
This is stars and forks stats for /kaygun/2022-Fall-388E repository. As of 06 May, 2024 this repository has 18 stars and 17 forks.

Data Analysis for Fundamental Sciences (Fall 2022, MAT388E) Atabey Kaygun ([email protected]) Lectures: Mondays 14:30-17:30 (OLS3) Course description Data science is a broad interdisciplinary field. It lies in the intersection of mathematics, statistics, machine learning, and computer science and use their methods and tools to extract information and insight from data. This is a course on the mathematical foundations of standard statistical and machine learning models used in the field. The class...
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Gladiator07/HarvestifyJupyter NotebookPythonOther32403210
huggingface/setfitJupyter NotebookPythonOther1.6k01760
yuanxiaosc/Machine-Learning-BookJupyter Notebook979+12580
tuw-python/tuw-python-2022WSJupyter NotebookPython360240
yiyixuxu/denoising-diffusion-flaxJupyter NotebookPython1120130
keras-team/keras-cvPythonJupyter NotebookC++83802610
rootsnquery/tedesco-projectJupyter NotebookOther4000
rohansaini886/Hacktoberfest2022Jupyter NotebookC++HTML4402240
LSIR/DISJupyter NotebookHTMLPython6501010
jayinai/data-science-question-answerJupyter Notebook2.3k06490