
The missing motion for Vim 👟

Vim ScriptMakefileLuapluginvimvimlneovimnavigationvim-pluginmotionnvimneovim-plugin
This is stars and forks stats for /justinmk/vim-sneak repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 3054 stars and 87 forks.

sneak.vim 👟 Jump to any location specified by two characters. Sneak is a powerful, reliable, yet minimal motion plugin for Vim. It works with multiple lines, operators (including repeat . and surround), motion-repeat (; and ,), keymaps, visual mode, multibyte text, and macros. Try label-mode for a minimalist alternative to EasyMotion: let g:sneak#label = 1 Usage Sneak is invoked with s followed by exactly two characters: s{char}{char} Type sab to move the cursor immediately to the next instance of...
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