
🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager

Vim ScriptShellvim
This is stars and forks stats for /junegunn/vim-plug repository. As of 20 Apr, 2024 this repository has 32122 stars and 1920 forks.

A minimalist Vim plugin manager. Pros. Easy to set up: Single file. No boilerplate code required. Easy to use: Concise, intuitive syntax Super-fast parallel installation/update (with any of +job, +python, +python3, +ruby, or Neovim) Creates shallow clones to minimize disk space usage and download time On-demand loading for faster startup time Can review and rollback updates Branch/tag/commit support Post-update hooks Support for externally managed plugins Installation Download plug.vim and put it...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
sainnhe/gruvbox-materialVim ScriptLuaShell1.5k+71470
vim-test/vim-testVim ScriptOther2.8k03800
Yggdroot/indentLineVim ScriptPostScript4.1k02240
youngyangyang04/PowerVimVim ScriptJavaSmarty1.3k02160
morhetz/gruvboxVim ScriptShell12.5k01.1k0
liuchengxu/vista.vimVim ScriptOther1.8k0860
sonph/onehalfVim ScriptShell1.7k02370
junegunn/goyo.vimVim Script4.4k01190
sbdchd/neoformatVim ScriptPythonShell1.9k+31800