
Emacs headerline indication of where you are in a large project

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /joaotavora/breadcrumb repository. As of 09 May, 2024 this repository has 145 stars and 7 forks.

M-x breadcrumb-mode Usage Breadcrumbs are sequences of short strings indicating where you are in some big tree-like maze that is probably your code. Hopefully the screenshot above clears it up. M-x breadcrumb-mode is global mode. Will try to turn itself on conservatively and only if there's a project. M-x breadcrumb-local-mode is a buffer-local minor mode, if you don't want the default heuristics for turning it on everywhere. There's not much more to it. Breadcrumb will try to query imenu.el and...
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