
Table-writer and more in golang!

This is stars and forks stats for /jedib0t/go-pretty repository. As of 26 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2206 stars and 99 forks.

go-pretty Utilities to prettify console output of tables, lists, progress-bars, text, etc. with a heavy emphasis on customization. Usage The current major version of this package is v6, and it follows the standard outlined here. Run go get to add this as a dependency to your project, and import the packages in your code using one or more of these: Table Pretty-print tables in a terminal with colors, nested tables and more. +-----+------------+-----------+--------+-----------------------------+ | # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY | | +-----+------------+-----------+--------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | Arya | Stark | 3000 | | | 20 | Jon | Snow | 2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! | | 300 | Tyrion | Lannister | 5000 | | +-----+------------+-----------+--------+-----------------------------+ | | | TOTAL | 10000 | | +-----+------------+-----------+--------+-----------------------------+ Execute go run colors to get: More details can be found here: table/ Progress Track the Progress of one or more Tasks like downloading multiple files in parallel. More details can be found here: progress/ List Pretty-print lists with multiple levels/indents into ASCII/Unicode strings. ╭─ Game Of Thrones │ ├─ Winter │ ├─ Is │ ╰─ Coming │ ├─ This │ ├─ Is │ ╰─ Known ╰─ The Dark Tower ╰─ The Gunslinger More details can be found here: list/ Text Utility functions to manipulate text with or without ANSI escape sequences. Most of the functions available are used in one or more of the other packages here. Align text Horizontally or Vertically Colorize text Move cursor Format text (convert case) Manipulate strings (Pad, RepeatAndTrim, RuneCount, etc.) Transform text (UnixTime to human-readable-time, pretty-JSON, etc.) Wrap text GoDoc has examples for all the available functions. Upgrading from v5 or less to v6 or above If you are using a version of this library older than v6.0.0 and want to move to a newer version of this library, you'd have to modify the import paths from something like: "" "" "" "" to: "" "" "" "" I'd recommend you fire up your favorite IDE and do a mass search and replace for all occurrences of jedib0t/go-pretty/ to jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/. If you are on a system with access to find, grep, xargs and sed, you could just run the following from within your code folder to do the same: find . -type f -name "*.go" | grep -v vendor | xargs sed -i 's/jedib0t\/go-pretty\//jedib0t\/go-pretty\/v6\//g' If you are on macOS, you'll have to use sed -i '' instead of sed -i.
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