
This is stars and forks stats for /immunefi-team/forge-poc-templates repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 270 stars and 60 forks.

This is a collaborative repository that aims to provide reusable and easily modifiable PoC examples for a variety of EVM based vulnerabilities. This will increase the quality of bug reports and allow whitehats an easier, faster way to create PoCs and verify their claims. These templates are intended for testing proof of concepts in local forks for submission to bug bounty programs. Any other use is explicitly prohibited. Overview Installation Foundry is required to use this repository. See: Getting Started 📖 1️⃣ Initialize Forge repository First, initialize a forge repository with the attack template you would like to use. Passing default as the branch will initialize a minimal forge repository with the correct dependencies installed. See the template categories below for a list of templates which can be chosen. forge init --template immunefi-team/forge-poc-templates --branch [template] 2️⃣ Download the contract interfaces You can create your own interface contracts, create an interface automatically with Foundry's cast interface commandline tool (a), or download the full source code for contracts for the protocol using Foundry's cast etherscan-source command line tool (b). To use the cast commands, define the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY environment variable, then call cast with either of the following methods: a. Download the interface (recommended) Rather than copying the entire smart contract code itself, you can use the Interface feature introduced in Solidity version 0.6.x to define which functions a contract implements. To do so automatically, run the following command in the console: cast interface [address] -o src/external/interfaces/IExample.sol -n IExample Foundry automatically creates the interface based on the externally available functions according to the contracts ABI. Then import the newly created interface contract in your PoC: import "./external/interfaces/IExample.sol"; see also: ABI to sol b. Download the entire source code Alternatively, you can download the entire source code from Etherscan like block explorers using the following command: *🚨 When downloading source code from deployed contracts, there may be remappings that need to be modified for the source files to compile. Add any necessary remappings to remappings.txt. cast etherscan-source [address] -d src/external This will download the contracts' entire source code to src/external, where you can import any contract interfaces by adding the following to the top of your PoC: import "./external/ExampleProtocol/ExampleEtherscanContract.sol"; Optionally, append --chain [chain_name] to specify a chain other than the Ethereum mainnet to download contracts from. Note: you will have to update your Etherscan API key when switching between different chains. 3️⃣ Write the test Once you have created your attack contract, import your attack contract into the PoCTest.sol, and modify the setUp() to replicate any necessary attack preconditions, such as forking from a network, initializing accounts with certain balances, or creating any other conditions which are necessary for the attack. Try to keep your setup as close to mainnet state as possible. The more the setup differs from the mainnet state, the harder it is for projects to verify your claims. Execute the attack in the testAttack() function. The test should extend the PoC contract, which introduces functionality to automatically snapshot and print account balances before and after a test. Use the modifier snapshot(address account, IERC20[] tokens) on the test* function to automatically print information such as pre-attack balances, post-attack balances, and profit. Passing a token with address(0x0) corresponds to the native token of the chain. Running a PoC 🚀 To run a test, use the following command in the console: forge test -vv --match-path test/[test_name] Environment Variables Variable Example ETHERSCAN_API_KEY [API_KEY] Template Categories 🪲 Categorisation Branch Source Documentation Default default Reentrancy reentrancy Source Readme Flash Loan flash_loan Source Readme Price Manipulation price_manipulation Source Readme Foundry Concepts Foundry PoCs from our community ✨ Hundred Finance Hack by @hephyrius Omni Protocol Hack by @realgmhacker Euler Exploit PoC by @iphelix DFX Finance Bugfix Review by @unsafe_call Contribute 📝 We sincerely appreciate contributions to Immunefi's templates. Please take the time to review the contribution guidelines and code of conduct to ensure your contributions are merged as soon as possible. Contributors @unsafe_call @Omikomikomik @ArbazKiraak @AdrianHetman @Pep1nn @realgmhacker @_iphelix 0xlead All set! If you have any questions, feel free to post them to Finally, if you're looking to collaborate and want to find easy tasks to start, look at the issues we marked as "Good first issue". Thanks for your time and code!
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