
Jupyter NotebookPythonOpenQASM
This is stars and forks stats for /iQuHACK/2023_IonQ_Remote repository. As of 19 Apr, 2024 this repository has 28 stars and 237 forks.

2023_planning_ionq IonQ's repository for iQuHACK 2023 (private planning) Working on qBraid If you're working on qBraid, first fork this repository and click the above Launch on qBraid button. It will take you to your qBraid Lab with the repository cloned. Once cloned, open terminal (first icon in the Other column in Launcher) and cd into this repo. Set the repo's remote origin using the git clone url you copied in Step 1, and then create a new branch for your team: cd <ionq_git_repo_name> git...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
iQuHACK/2023_MicrosoftJupyter Notebook1601510
chaitjo/geometric-gnn-dojoJupyter NotebookPython3420340
branhoff/python_class_101Jupyter NotebookOther580130
tanelp/tiny-diffusionJupyter NotebookPython450+4390
MuhammadMoinFaisal/YOLOv8_Segmentation_DeepSORT_Object_TrackingJupyter NotebookPython1520460
showlab/Tune-A-VideoPythonJupyter Notebook3.7k03220