
Unmaintained add-ons for Org-mode

Emacs Lisp
This is stars and forks stats for /emacsmirror/org-contrib repository. As of 12 May, 2024 this repository has 20 stars and 2 forks.

This repository contains add-ons to Org. You can use them by installing the org-contrib NonGNU ELPA package from https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/. Please help maintaining these add-ons Files in this repository used to live in the Org repository but have been filtered out of the Org 9.5 release. The contrib/ directory used to contain a scripts/ directory that now lives on the Worg repository. Files in this repository receive little if no maintainance and there is no guaranty that they are compatible...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
UniMath/UniMathCoqEmacs LispMakefile86501630
emacs-lsp/lsp-metalsEmacs LispMakefile560310
40ants/openrpcCommon Lisp23010
orivej/yaml-cycle.elEmacs Lisp0000
dajva/rg.elEmacs LispMakefile4310360
ReimarFinken/org-git-linkEmacs LispShell3020
vspinu/math-symbol-listsEmacs Lisp32040
alphapapa/hammy.elEmacs Lisp112+54+1
emacs-grammarly/lsp-grammarlyEmacs LispMakefile1760100
yantar92/org-capture-refEmacs Lisp63040